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Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3

Cascading Style Sheets were introduced 13 years ago, and the widely adopted CSS 2.1 standard has existed for 11 years now. When we look at websites that were created 11 years ago, it’s clear that we are a thousand miles away from that era. It is quite remarkable how much Web development has evolved over the years, in a way we would never have imagined then.

So why is it that, when it comes to CSS, we’re stuck in the past and so afraid of experimenting? Why is it that we still use inconvenient CSS hacks and JavaScript-dependent techniques for styling? Why can’t we make use of the rich CSS3 features and tools available in modern Web browsers and take the quality of our designs to the next level?

It’s time to introduce CSS3 features into our projects and not be afraid to gradually incorporate CSS3 properties and selectors in our style sheets. Making our clients aware of the advantages of CSS3 (and letting older deprecated browsers fade away) is in our power, and we should act on it, especially if it means making websites more flexible and reducing development and maintenance costs.

In this article, we’ll look at the advantages of CSS3 and some examples of how Web designers are already using it. By the end, we’ll know a bit of what to expect from CSS3 and how we can use its new features in our projects.

Please also consider reading our previous, related article:

Using Browser-Specific Properties

To use most CSS3 properties today, we have to use vendor-specific extensions together with the original properties. The reason is that until now, browsers have only partially implemented new CSS3 properties. Unfortunately, some properties may not even become W3C recommendations in the end, so it’s important to target browser-specific properties by differentiating them from standard properties to (and then replacing them with the standardized ones when they become superfluous).

The disadvantages to this approach are, of course, a messy style sheet and inconsistent design across Web browsers. After all, we do not want to revive the need for proprietary browser hacks in our style sheets. Internet Explorer’s infamous <marquee>, <blink> and other tags were employed in many style sheets and became legendary in the 1990s; they still make many existing websites inconsistent or even unreadable. And we don’t want to put ourselves in the same situation now, right?

However, websites do not have to look exactly the same in all browsers. And using browser-specific properties to achieve particular effects in certain browsers sometimes makes sense.

The most common extensions are the ones used for Webkit-based browsers (for example, Safari), which start with -webkit-, and Gecko-based browsers (for example, Firefox), which start with -moz-. Konqueror (-khtml-), Opera (-o-) and Internet Explorer (-ms-) have their own proprietary extensions.

As professional designers, we have to bear in mind that using these vendor-specific properties will make our style sheets invalid. So putting them in the final version of a style sheet is rarely a sound idea for design purists. But in some cases, like when experimenting or learning, we can at least consider including them in a style sheet together with standardized CSS properties.

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1. Selectors

CSS Selectors are an incredibly powerful tool: they allow us to target specific HTML elements in our markup without having to rely on unnecessary classes, IDs and JavaScripts. Most of them aren’t new to CSS3 but are not as widely used as they should be. Advanced selectors can be helpful if you are trying to achieve a clean, lightweight markup and better separation of structure and presentation. They can reduce the number of classes and IDs in the markup and make it easier for designers to maintain a style sheet.

Attribute selectors

Three new kinds of attribute selectors are a part of CSS3 specs:

  • [att^="value"]
    Matches elements to an attribute that starts with the specified value.

  • [att$="value"]
    Matches elements to an attribute that ends with the specified value.

  • [att*="value"]
    Matches elements to an attribute that contains the specified value.

tweetCC targeted link

tweetCC uses an attribute selector to target links that have a title attribute ending in the words “tweetCC”:

  1. a[title$="tweetCC"] {  
  2.     positionabsolute;  
  3.     top: 0;  
  4.     right: 0;  
  5.     displayblock;  
  6.     width140px;  
  7.     height140px;  
  8.     text-indent-9999px;  
  9.     }  

Browser support: The only browser that doesn’t support CSS3 attribute selectors is IE6. Both IE7 and IE8, Opera and Webkit- and Gecko-based browsers do. So using them in your style sheet is definitely safe.


The only new kind of combinator introduced in CSS3 is the general sibling selector. It targets all siblings of an element that have the same parent.

For example, to add a gray border to all images that are a sibling of a particular div (and both the div and the images should have the same parent), defining the following in your style sheet is enough:

  1. div~img {  
  2.     border1px solid #ccc;  
  3.     }  

Browser support: All major browsers support the general sibling selector except our favorite: Internet Explorer 6.


Probably the most extensive new addition to CSS are new pseudo-classes. Here are some of the most interesting and useful ones:

  • :nth-child(n)
    Lets you target elements based on their positions in a parent’s list of child elements. You can use a number, a number expression or the odd and even keywords (perfect for Zebra-style table rows). So, if you want to match a group of three elements after the forth element, you can simply use:
    1. :nth-child(3n+4) { background-color#ccc; }  

  • :nth-last-child(n)
    Follows the same idea as the previous selector, but matches the last children of a parent element. For example, to target the last two paragraphs in a div, we would use the following selector:
    1. div p:nth-last-child(-n+2)  

  • :last-child
    Matches the last child of a parent, and is equivalent to
    1. :nth-last-child(1)  

  • :checked
    Matches elements that are checked; for example, checked boxes.

  • :empty
    Matches elements that have no children or are empty.

  • :not(s)
    Matches all elements that do not match the specified declaration(s). For example, if we want to make all paragraphs that aren’t of the class “lead” to appear black, we would write:
    1. p:not([class*="lead"]) { colorblack; }  


On his website, Andrea Gandino uses the :last-child pseudo-selector to target the last paragraph of each blog post and apply a margin of 0 to it:

Andrea Gandino uses the :last-child pseudo-element on his blog post paragraphs

  1. #primary .text p:last-child {  
  2.     margin0;  
  3.     }  

Browser support: Webkit-based and Opera browsers support all new CSS3 pseudo-selectors. Firefox 2 and 3 (Gecko-based) only support :not(s), :last-child, :only-child, :root, :empty, :target, :checked, :enabled and :disabled, but Firefox 3.5 will have wide support of CSS3 selectors. Trident-based browsers (Internet Explorer) have virtually no support of pseudo-selectors.


The only pseudo-element introduced in CSS3 is ::selection. It lets you target elements that have been highlighted by the user.

Browser support: No current Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers support the ::selection pseudo-element. Safari, Opera and Chrome do.

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2. RGBA And Opacity

RGBA lets you specify not only the color but the opacity of an element. Some browsers still don’t support it, so it’s good practice to specify before the RGBa color another color without transparency that older browsers will understand.

Tim Van Damme's hover effects
Tim Van Damme uses RGBA colors on hover effects on links

On his website, Tim Van Damme uses RGBA colors on hover effects; for example, on the network links on his home page:

  1. #networks li a:hover,  
  2. #networks li a:focus {  
  3.     background: rgba(164173183, .15);  
  4.     }  

When setting an RGBA color, we must specify the red, blue and green values either with an integer value between 0 and 255 or with percentages. The alpha value should be between 0.0 and 1.0; for example, 0.5 for a 50% opacity.

The difference between RGBA and opacity is that the former applies transparency only to a particular element, whereas the latter affects the element we target and all of its children.

Here is an example of how we would add 80% opacity to a div:

  1. div {  
  2.     opacity: 0.8;  
  3.     }  

Browser support: RGBA is supported by Webkit-based browsers. No Internet Explorer browser supports it. Firefox 2 does’t support it either, but Firefox 3 does, as does Opera 9.5. Opacity is supported by Opera and Webkit- and Gecko-based browsers, but is not supported by either IE release.

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3. Multi-Column Layout

This new CSS3 selector lets you achieve multi-column layouts without having to use multiple divs. The browser interprets the properties and create the columns, giving the text a newspaper-like flow.

tweetCC's home page
tweetCC uses CSS3 multi-column selector on its home page

tweetCC displays introductory text in four columns on its home page. The four columns aren’t floated divs; instead, the Web designer uses the CSS3 multi-column layout as follows:

  1. .index #content div {  
  2.     -webkit-column-count : 4;  
  3.     -webkit-column-gap : 20px;  
  4.     -moz-column-count : 4;  
  5.     -moz-column-gap : 20px;  
  6.     }  

We can define three things with this selector: the number of columns (column-count), the width of each column (column-width, not used in the example) and the gap between columns (column-gap). If column-count is not set, the browser accommodates as many columns that fit in the available width.

To add a vertical separator between columns, we can use the column-rule property, which functions pretty much as a border property:

  1. div {  
  2.     column-rule: 1px solid #00000;  
  3.     }  

Browsers that don’t support these properties render the content as simple text, as if there were no columns.

Related properties: column-break-after, column-break-before, column-span, column-fill.

Browser support: Multi-column layouts are supported by Safari 3 and 4 and Firefox 1.5+.

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4. Multiple Backgrounds

CSS3 lets you apply multiple layered backgrounds to an element using multiple properties such as background-image, background-repeat, background-size, background-position, background-origin and background-clip.

The easiest way to add multiple backgrounds to an element is to use the shorthand code. You can specify all of the above properties in a single declaration, but the most commonly used are image, position and repeat:

  1. div {  
  2.     backgroundurl(example.jpg) top left no-repeat,  
  3.         url(example2.jpg) bottom left no-repeat,  
  4.         url(example3.jpg) center center repeat-y;  
  5.     }  

The first image will be the one “closest” to the user.

A more complex version of the same property would be:

  1. div {  
  2.     backgroundurl(example.jpg) top left (100% 2emno-repeat,  
  3.         url(example2.jpg) bottom left (100% 2emno-repeat,  
  4.         url(example3.jpg) center center (10em 10emrepeat-y;  
  5.     }  

In this case, (100% 2em) is the background-size value; the background image in the top-left corner would stretch the full width of the div and be 2em high.

Because very few browsers support it, and because not displaying backgrounds on a website can really impair a website’s visual impact, this is not a widely used CSS3 property. However, it could greatly improve a Web designer’s workflow and significantly reduce the amount of markup that would otherwise be needed to achieve the same effect.

Browser support: multiple backgrounds only work on Safari and Konqueror.

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5. Word Wrap

The word-wrap property is used to prevent long words from overflowing. It can have one of two values: normal and break-word. The normal value (the default) breaks words only at allowed break points, like hyphens. If break-word is used, the word can be broken where needed to fit the given space and prevent overflowing.

WordPress admin area
The WordPress admin area uses word-wrap in data tables.

In the WordPress admin area, the word-wrap property is used for elements in tables; for example, in lists on Posts and Pages:

  1. .widefat * {  
  2.     word-wrap: break-word;  
  3.     }  

Browser support: word-wrap is supported by Internet Explorer and Safari. Firefox will support it in version 3.5.

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6. Text Shadow

Despite existing since CSS2, text-shadow is not a widely used CSS property. But it will very likely be widely adopted with CSS3. The property gives designers a new cross-browser tool to add dimension to designs and make text stand out.

You need to make sure, though, that the text in your design is readable in case the user’s browser doesn’t support advanced CSS3 properties. Give the text and background color enough contrast in case the text-shadow property isn’t rendered or understood properly by the browser.

Beak uses the text-shadow-property of CSS 3
Beakapp uses the text-shadow property on its website: for the content area. uses the text-shadow property for the content area, adding depth and dimension to the text and making it stand out without the use of an image replacement technique. This property is visible only in Safari and Google Chrome.

The CSS for the website’s main navigation shows the following:

  1. .signup_area p {  
  2.     text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.80 1px 0;  
  3. }  

Here, we have the shadow color (using RGBA, see above), followed by the right (x coordinate) and bottom (y coordinate) offset, and finally the blur radius.

To apply multiple shadows to a text, separate the shadows with a comma. For example:

  1. p {  
  2.     text-shadowred 4px 4px 2px,  
  3.         yellow -4px -4px 2px,  
  4.         green -4px 4px 2px;  
  5.     }  

Browser support: Webkit-based browsers and Opera 9.5 support text-shadow. Internet Explorer doesn’t support it, and Firefox will only support it in version 3.5.

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7. @font-face-Attribute

Despite being one of the most highly anticipated CSS3 features (even though it’s been around since CSS2), @font-face is still not as widely adopted on the Web as other CSS3 properties. This is due mainly to font licensing and copyright issues: embedded fonts are easily downloaded from the Web, a major concern to type foundries.

However, a solution to the licensing issues seems to be on the way. TypeKit promises to come up with a solution that would make it easier for designers and type foundries to agree on licensing issues that would significantly enrich the typography in Web design and make the @font-face attribute usable in practice.

Mozilla Labs JetPack font
Mozilla Labs JetPack website resorts to the font-face rule to use the DroidSans typeface

One of the few websites that use the property is the new JetPack MozillaLabs.

  1. @font-face{  
  2.     font-family'DroidSans';  
  3.     srcurl('../fonts/DroidSans.ttf'format('truetype');  
  4.     }  

To use embedded fonts on your websites, you have to declare each style separately (for example, normal, bold and italic). Make sure to only use fonts that have been licensed for such use on the Web and to give the designer credit when required.

After the @font-face rule, you can call the font with a normal font-family property in your style sheet:

  1. p {  
  2.     font-family"DroidSans";  
  3.     }  

If a browser doesn’t support @font-face, it will revert to the next font specified in the font-family property (CSS font stacks). This may be okay for some websites, if the @font-face font is a luxury for supported browsers; but if the font plays a major role in the design or is a key part of the visual identity of the company, you will probably want to use another solution, such as sIFR or Cufón. Bear in mind, though, that these tools are more appropriate for headings and short passages of text, and copying and pasting this kind of content is difficult and not user-friendly.

Font embedding on
Wouldn’t it be nice to have such type for body copy on the Web? Dave Shea experiments with Cufón and Museo Sans. Beautiful!

Browser support: @font-face is supported by Safari 3.1+. Internet Explorer supports it if EOT fonts are used. Opera 10 and Firefox 3.5 should support it.

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8. Border Radius

Border-radius adds curved corners to HTML elements without background images. Currently, it is probably the most widely used CSS3 property for the simple reason that rounded corners are just nice to have and aren’t critical to design or usability.

Instead of adding cryptic JavaScript or unnecessary HTML markup, just add a couple of extra properties in CSS and hope for the best. The solution is cleaner and more efficient and can save you from having to spend a couple of hours finding clever browser workarounds for CSS and JavaScript-based rounded corners.

Sam Brown's blog categories
Sam Brown’s blog using border-radius on headings, categories and links.

On his website, Sam Brown uses the border-radius property heavily on headings, links and divs. Achieving this effect with images would be time-consuming. This is one of the reasons why using CSS3 properties in our projects is such an important step towards efficiency in Web development.

To add rounded corners to category links, Sam uses the following CSS snippet:

  1. h2 span {  
  2.     color#1a1a1a;  
  3.     padding: .5em;  
  4.     -webkit-border-radius: 6px;  
  5.     -moz-border-radius: 6px;  
  6.     }  

We can go one step further and add the original CSS3 property and Konqueror proprietary extension, making it:

  1. h2 span {  
  2.     color#1a1a1a;  
  3.     padding: .5em;  
  4.     -webkit-border-radius: 6px;  
  5.     -moz-border-radius: 6px;  
  6.     -khtml-border-radius: 6px;  
  7.     border-radius: 6px;  
  8.     }  

If we want to apply the property to certain corners of our element, we can target each corner separately:

  1. div {  
  2.     -moz-border-radius-topright: 6px;  
  3.     -moz-border-radius-topleft: 6px;  
  4.     -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 6px;  
  5.     -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 6px;  
  6.     -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 6px;  
  7.     -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px;  
  8.     -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;  
  9.     -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;  
  10.     border-top-right-radius: 6px;  
  11.     border-top-left-radius: 6px;  
  12.     border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;  
  13.     border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;  
  14.     }  

Browser support: border-radius is supported by Webkit- and Gecko-based browsers but not by any version of Internet Explorer or Opera.

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9. Border Image

The border-image property allows you to specify an image for the border of an element, freeing you from the usual solid, dotted and other border styles. This property gives designers a better tool with which to consistently style the borders of design elements, being better than the background-image property (for advanced designs) or rigid default border styles. We can also explicitly define how a border should be scaled or tiled.

SpoonGraphics blog's border-image
The SpoonGraphics blog uses the border-image property for its images borders

On the SpoonGraphis blog, border-image is used for the images borders as follows:

  1. #content .post img {  
  2.     border6px solid #f2e6d1;  
  3.     -webkit-border-image: url(main-border.png) 6 repeat;  
  4.     -moz-border-image: url(main-border.png) 6 repeat;  
  5.     border-image: url(main-border.png) 6 repeat;  
  6.     }  

To define the border-image, we must specify the image location, which part of the image should be cropped and used for each side of the element and how the image should be scaled and tiled.

To create a div that uses the image below as its border, we would use the following code (we will add in the Opera and Konqueror extensions for this example):

Image used as border-image

  1. div {  
  2.     border-width18px 25px 25px 18px;  
  3.     -webkit-border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch stretch;  
  4.     -moz-border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch stretch;  
  5.     -o-border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch stretch;  
  6.     -khtml-border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch stretch;  
  7.     border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch stretch;  
  8.     }  

The last value of this property can be stretch (default), round (only a whole number of repeated images will fit the space allowed) or repeat. In our example, the top, bottom, left and right border images are stretched. If we want only the top and bottom sides to stretch, we would use this CSS:

  1. div {  
  2.     (...)  
  3.     border-image: url(example.png) 18 25 25 18 stretch repeat;  
  4.     }  

We can also target each corner separately if we want to use a different image for each:

  1. div {  
  2.     border-top-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  3.     border-right-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  4.     border-bottom-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  5.     border-left-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  6.     border-top-left-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  7.     border-top-right-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  8.     border-bottom-left-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  9.     border-bottom-right-image: url(example.png) 5 5 stretch;  
  10.     }  

If a browser doesn’t support the border-image property, it will ignore it and only apply the other defined border properties, such as border-width and border-color.

Browser support: border-image is currently only supported by Webkit-based browsers. Support in the next release of Firefox is not certain.

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10. Box Shadow

The box-shadow property adds shadows to HTML elements without extra markup or background images. Like the text-shadow property, it enhances the detail of a design; and because it doesn’t really affect the readability of content, it could be a good way to add that extra touch.

10to1 navigation
10to1 uses the box-shadow property for its navigation background and hover states.

10to1 adds a simple shadow to its navigation area and uses the property for a hover effect on the navigation links:

  1. #navigation {  
  2.     -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #000;  
  3.     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #000;  
  4.     }  
  5.     #navigation li a:hover,  
  6.     #navigation li a:focus {  
  7.     -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #111;  
  8.     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #111;  
  9.     }  

The box-shadow property can have multiple values: horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur radius, spread radius and shadow color. Horizontal and vertical offset and shadow color are the most commonly used.

To apply a red shadow positioned four pixels to the right and bottom of a div, with no blur, we would need the following code:

  1. div {  
  2.     -moz-box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #f00;  
  3.     -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #f00;  
  4.     box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #f00;  
  5.     }  

Browser support: box-shadow is currently supported only by Webkit-based browsers, but the upcoming Firefox 3.5 will very likely support it as well.

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11. Box Sizing

According to CSS 2.1 specifications, when calculating the overall dimensions of a box, the borders and padding of the element should be added to the width and height. But legacy browsers are well known for interpreting this specification in their own and quite creative ways. The box-sizing property lets you specify how the browser calculates the width and height of an element.

WordPress input and textarea tags
WordPress uses the border-box property in all input fields (text type) and text area elements in the admin panel.

The WordPress admin area demonstrates this property in all its input tags with a text type and textarea tags (among other elements):

  1. input[type="text"],  
  2.     textarea {  
  3.     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;  
  4.     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;  
  5.     -ms-box-sizing: border-box;  
  6.     box-sizing: border-box;  
  7.     }  

The third property (-ms-box-sizing) only works in Internet Explorer 8. With other selectors, the WordPress style sheet also adds the Konqueror property: -khtml-box-sizing.

The box-sizing property can have one of two values: border-box and content-box. Content-box renders the width as specified in CSS 2.1. Border-box subtracts the padding and border from the specified width and height (as done by legacy browsers).

Browser support: box-sizing is supported by IE8, Opera and Gecko- and Webkit-based browsers.

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12. Media Queries

Media queries let you define different styles for different devices based on their capabilities. For example, you may want your website’s sidebar to appear under the main content when viewed on devices with a viewport narrower than 480 pixels, in which case it shouldn’t be floated and displayed on the right side:

  1. #sidebar {  
  2.     floatright;  
  3.     displayinline/* IE Double-Margin Bugfix */  
  4.     }  
  6. @media all and (max-width:480px) {  
  7.     #sidebar {  
  8.         floatnone;  
  9.         clearboth;  
  10.         }  
  11.     }  

You can also target devices with color screens:

  1. a {  
  2.     color: grey;  
  3.     }  
  5. @media screen and (color) {  
  6.     a {  
  7.         colorred;  
  8.         }  
  9.     }  

The possibilities are endless. This property is useful because you no longer have to write separate style sheets for different devices, nor do you have to use JavaScript to determine the capabilities and properties of each user’s browser. A more popular JavaScript-based solution to achieve a flexible layout would be to use an adaptive fluid layout, making the layout more responsive to the user’s browser resolution.

Browser support: Media queries are supported by Webkit-based browsers and Opera. Firefox plans to support them in version 3.5. Internet Explorer currently doesn’t support them and doesn’t plan to support them in upcoming versions.

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13. Speech

The speech module in CSS3 lets you specify the speech style of screen readers. You can control various aspects of the speech, such as:

  • voice-volume
    Set a volume using a number from 0 to 100 (0 being silence), percentages or a keyword (silent, x-soft, soft, medium, loud and x-loud).

  • voice-balance
    Control which channel sound comes from (if the user’s sound system supports stereo).

  • Speak
    Instruct the screen reader to spell out particular words, digits or punctuation. Available keywords are none, normal, spell-out, digits, literal-punctuation, no-punctuation and inherit.

  • Pauses and rests
    Set a pause or rest before or after an element’s content is spoken. You can use either time units (for example, “2s” for 2 seconds) or keywords (none, x-weak, weak, medium, strong and x-strong).

  • Cues
    Use sounds to delimit particular elements and control their volume.

  • voice-family
    Set specific types of voices and voice combinations (as you do with fonts).

  • voice-rate
    Control the speed at which elements are spoken. This can be defined as a percentage or keyword: x-slow, slow, medium, fast and x-fast.

  • voice-stress
    Indicate any emphasis that should be applied, using different keywords: none, moderate, strong and reduced.

For example, to tell a screen reader to read all h2 tags in a female voice, from the left speaker, in a soft tone and followed by a particular sound, set the CSS as follows:

  1. h2 {  
  2.     voice-family: female;  
  3.     voice-balance: left;  
  4.     voice-volumesoft;  
  5.     cue-afterurl(;  
  6.     }  

Unfortunately, this property has very little support now but is definitely worth keeping in mind so that we might improve the accessibility of our websites in future.

Browser support: Currently, only Opera browsers for Windows XP and 2000 support some of the speech module properties. To use them, use the -xv- prefix; for example, -xv-voice-balance: right.

Useful Links


CSS3 properties can greatly improve your workflow, making some of the most time-consuming CSS tasks a breeze and allowing for better, cleaner and more lightweight markup. Some properties are still not widely supported, even by the most recent browsers, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t experiment with them or give visitors with modern browsers advanced features and CSS styling.

In this regard, keep in mind that educating our clients is both useful and necessary: websites don’t have to look exactly the same in every browser, and if a difference doesn’t negatively affect the aesthetics or usability of a website, it should be considered. If we continue to waste valuable time and money making every detail pixel-perfect (instead of adopting more flexible and future-oriented solutions), users won’t have an incentive to upgrade their browsers, in which case we would have to wait a long time before older browsers become legacy browsers and robust modern browsers become the standard.

The earlier we experiment with and adapt new CSS3 properties, the earlier they will be supported by popular browsers and the earlier we’ll be able to use them widely.

Further Reading And References

About the Author

Inayaili de León is a Portuguese Web designer. She has a true passion for Web design and front-end coding and loves beautiful and clean websites. She lives in London (and blogs about it), and enjoys pizza and “skyping” her cats. You can see more of her articles at Web Designer Notebook and follow her daily ramblings on Twitter.


Mastering CSS, Part 1: Styling Design Elements

CSS is one of the most important building blocks of modern web design. Standards demand the use of CSS for formatting and styling pages, and with good reason. It’s lighter-weight and capable of much more than older methods like tables.

And CSS isn’t nearly as tricky as some people tend to believe. Below are fresh tips and techniques for creating and styling design elements with CSS. They’re a good place to start if you’re new to CSS but are valuable even if you’re a veteran designer. Not all the techniques are strictly CSS; some include integration with JavaScript or XHTML to extend the functionality of your site.

1. Layout and User Interface Techniques

CSS is now the primary language used to create page layouts on modern websites. There are almost limitless possibilities for creating page layouts and user interfaces with CSS, but below are some of the more interesting techniques.

The simplest way to horizontally and vertically center a DIV
This article covers centering a DIV, both vertically and horizontally, using CSS. While many code snippets out there show how to do this through the use of parent and child DIVs, this particular method uses a single DIV and is much simpler.

The simplest way to horizontally and vertically center a DIV

New CSS Sticky Footer - 2009
Here’s a sticky footer technique that’s completely cross-browser compatible. It even works in Google Chrome. And it doesn’t require an empty push DIV either.

Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS
This tutorial combines jQuery and CSS to create a page peel effect. Most sites using this effect are Flash-driven, so this is a nice alternative if you’re not crazy about using Flash (or don’t know how).

Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS

Equal height boxes with CSS
Here’s a basic example of creating equal-height boxes (faux columns) using CSS. It works similarly to cells in a table, but without the messy table bits.

Adaptable view - how do they do it?
Letting users manually change the way your site appears can greatly improve the site’s usability and the likelihood that users will have positive experience (and come back for more). This tutorial shows you how to implement adaptable viewing techniques for your site.

Adaptable view - how do they do it?

CSS: The All-Expandable Box
Here’s a tutorial for creating a CSS box that will expand in all directions to fit the content contained within it, instead of just vertically. It works especially well if users increase the font size but making the entire box larger, instead of just shifting the content around and making the box longer vertically.

Four Methods to Create Equal Height Columns
Here’s another tutorial for creating equal-height columns in CSS, this time covering four different techniques. The techniques covered work in all major browsers (even IE6).

Four Methods to Create Equal Height Columns

Vertical Centering With CSS
This post covers a variety of the best techniques for centering CSS elements vertically on a page. It also covers how to create a simple little vertically-centered website using the techniques.

 Vertical Centering With CSS

CSS vertical center using float and clear
Here’s another tutorial for creating a vertically-centered CSS box using float and clear. It even works in IE5 for the Mac, just in case.

Cross-Browser Inline-Block
This tutorial covers how to create an inline-block layout that works with varying levels of content without breaking the layout.

 Cross-Browser Inline-Block

The CSS “Ah-ha!” Moment
Here’s a post talking about the “Ah-Ha!” moment most designers have at some point in their careers, where some vital bit of design knowledge suddenly makes perfect sense. In this case, it’s the relationship of CSS boxes within a layout.


An Indepth Coverage On CSS Layers, Z-Index, Relative And Absolute Positioning
This article gives a comprehensive overview of CSS layers, relative and absolute positioning, and Z-Index properties.

An Indepth Coverage On CSS Layers, Z-Index, Relative And Absolute Positioning

The CSS Overflow Property
Here’s a complete run-down of how the different settings for the CSS overflow property work. It includes visible (the default), hidden, scroll, and auto, with illustrated examples of each.

The CSS Overflow Property

Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ?
The differences between absolute, relative, and fixed positioning with CSS can be confusing at times. This article shows the difference between each one and when it’s appropriate to use one or another.

display: inline-block
Here’s a cross-browser (mostly) compatible method of creating inline blocks in a variety of styles. There are some differences, though, between the vertical alignment interpretation between browsers.

display: inline-block

2. Navigation and Menu Techniques

Good navigation is vital part of any website. Good navigation is both user-friendly and complements the rest of the site’s design elements. Below are some techniques and tips for creating navigation that does both.

Create dropdown menus with CSS only
A complete tutorial on creating CSS-based dropdown menus that behave like dropdown lists. It’s a short and easy-to-implement method.

Create dropdown menus with CSS only

Simple scalable CSS based breadcrumbs
Using breadcrumbs on your site can make it easier for your visitors to navigate. And this tutorial shows a method for creating scalable breadcrumbs using CSS.

Simple scalable CSS based breadcrumbs

Horizontal Sub-nav with CSS & jQuery
Here’s a complete tutorial on creating a horizontal navigation submenu using purely CSS (in most cases, anyway). If you want it to work in IE6, you’ll need to implement some jQuery, too.

Horizontal Sub-nav with CSS & jQuery

CSS Step Menu
Creating a stepped menu (also referred to as a “wizard menu”) can be tricky, especially when it has to change the number of steps depending on what it’s being used for. Here’s an example of one with information on how to create your own.

 CSS Step Menu

The Tabbed Breadcrumb Navigation
A comprehensive tutorial on creating breadcrumb navigation formatted as tabs.

The Tabbed Breadcrumb Navigation

Apple’s Navigation bar using only CSS
This tutorial shows how to create an Apple-like navigation bar using only CSS and HTML (with no images).

 Apple's Navigation bar using only CSS

Sitemap Celebration
Here’s a sitemap style that’s cross-browser compatible (even back to IE5 for the Mac) and based on nested lists.

Sitemap Celebration

Nice CSS menu with feed reader icons list
Create a menu of feed reader icons using CSS. It could easily be adapted to other types of menus.

Nice CSS menu with feed reader icons list

Multi-level Menus with jQuery and CSS
Here’s a collection of techniques for creating multi-level menus in pure CSS and CSS/JS. In addition to basic techniques, it also covers more advanced and creative examples.

 Multi-level Menus with jQuery and CSS

3. Image Styles and Galleries

Styling of images is an oft-overlooked element of page design. The techniques and tips featured below should help you remedy that situation on any of the sites you’ve designed.

Centering images with CSS
Some basic information on centering images using CSS instead of deprecated HTML.

Add a Custom “Trendy” Border Around Blog Images With CSS & JavaScript
A complete rundown of how to create a variety of border styles around the images on your blog using both JavaScript and CSS.

Add a Custom Trendy Border Around Blog Images With CSS & JavaScript

Sexy Music Album Overlays
A great tutorial for adding a bit more style to any image gallery, though it uses an album cover gallery as an example.

Sexy Music Album Overlays

Create CSS pin balloons with ease
This is an awesome technique for adding pin balloons or speech bubbles to an image or map that expand on rollover from an anchor point.

Create CSS pin balloons with ease

Create an Image Rotator with Description (CSS/jQuery)
A great tutorial on how to create an image rotator/gallery using CSS and jQuery. It creates a clean UI for displaying a portfolio or general image gallery.

 Create an Image Rotator with Description (CSS/jQuery)

5 Popular CSS Speech Bubbles
A collection of five different techniques for creating speech bubbles using CSS (some of them using only CSS).

5 Popular CSS Speech Bubbles

How to Make a Threadless Style T-Shirt Gallery
A tutorial for creating an image gallery similar to the one on the Threadless website, with a caption or overlay on top of an image or thumbnail, among other features.

How to Make a Threadless Style T-Shirt Gallery

CSS image replacement for… images? It makes sense for print. (Ask the CSS Guy)
Here’s a method for swapping special print- and screen-optimized images into your pages depending on the stylesheet being used.

CSS image replacement for... images?  It makes sense for print. (Ask the CSS Guy)

Beautiful new CSS: box-shadow (in German)

Beautiful new CSS: box-shadow

4. Typography Techniques

CSS really excels at typography styling. Everything from font type to weight to color is defined using CSS. Here are a number of tutorials to help you create better web typography.

Truetype, Font Variants and Antialiasing
A great article on some issues with using Truetype fonts and how they sometimes don’t show up as you had hoped (or planned).

  Truetype, Font Variants and Antialiasing

Styling Ordered Lists with CSS
A tutorial for creating a very appealing ordered list with CSS.

Styling Ordered Lists with CSS

Beautiful fonts with @font-face
The basics of using @font-face for inserting truetype fonts within your designs.

Beautiful fonts with @font-face

Forgotten possibilities of :first-letter in CSS (in Russian)


8 Definitive Web Font Stacks
A collection of eight CSS font stacks that are based on the format of exact font, nearest alternative, platform-wide alternative(s), universal (cross-platform) choice(s), and generic. These are grouped depending on the impression they’re likely to give visitors.

8 Definitive Web Font Stacks

Mike’s Experiments - CSS: Perspective Text
An interesting example of creating text with a perspective effect (so the bottom of a block of text looks closer than the top).

Mike's Experiments - CSS: Perspective Text

Fonts for web design: a primer
A great guide to typography aimed specifically at web designers that includes an overview of the types of fonts, their appropriate uses, and the use of specialist typefaces for web design.

Fonts for web design: a primer

CSS text-shadow Fun: Realtime Lighting Demo
A really neat example of using the text-shadow property combined with JavaScript to create a lighting demo.

CSS text-shadow Fun: Realtime Lighting Demo

Rendering Quotes With CSS
A guide to using quotation marks in CSS, including how to create standard quotes for different countries.

Rendering Quotes With CSS

Six Ways to Style Blockquotes
A tutorial of different methods for styling the blockquote XHTML tag with CSS.

Six Ways to Style Blockquotes

Make OL list start from number different than 1 using CSS
A simple tutorial for starting an ordered list number from any number you want.

 Make OL list start from number different than 1 using CSS

Use CSS to Override Default Text Selection Color
Choose any color you want to become the text highlight color on your sites with this method.

CSS Drop Cap Effect
A drop cap can set your site apart, especially if it’s a magazine or book website (or otherwise related to the literary trades). Here’s a CSS method for creating them.

5. Icons, Buttons and Links

Icons, buttons and links are another overlooked element on many pages. But they can also make a huge impact on your overall design. Below are some resources for styling better ones.

Add Progressive Icons to Your Site Using :after pseudo-element
This tutorial shows how to use descriptive icons for your links, mainly to show the type of file being linked to (such as a PDF or ZIP archive).

Add Progressive Icons to Your Site Using :after pseudo-element

Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBA
A tutorial for creating great buttons using CSS3 and alpha-blending techniques.

 Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBA

Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors
A tutorial for creating buttons scalable both horizontally and vertically using PNG images. The technique degrades gracefully, so even users in IE6 will still see the button (just without the PNG).

Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors

Add File Type Icons next to your links with CSS
Another tutorial for adding file type icons to your links.

 Web-kreation -   Add File Type Icons next to your links with CSS

22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques
Here’s a comprehensive resource list covering more than 20 techniques for creating buttons of all shapes and sizes with CSS.

CSS Tricks’ Link Nudge
A tutorial for creating links that nudge sideways when they’re hovered over.

CSS Tricks' Link Nudge

This is an icon set that can be recolored using just CSS.


About the author

Cameron Chapman is a professional Web and graphic designer with over 6 years of experience. She also writes for a number of blogs, including her own, Cameron Chapman On Writing. She’s also the author of the forthcoming book Internet Famous.